1. Avoid over speeding and reckless drivers should be charged in courts of laws.
2. Avoid over drinking and taking harmful drugs like marijuana because are the serious causes of accidents today.
3. Modernize roads by putting on road signs to follow for example traffic lights.
4. Driving permits and licences should be given to only experienced and well trained drivers.
5. Road users should respect road regulations in order to reduce on accidents.
7. Under age drivers should be denied to get driving licences and not allowed to drive.
8. Drivers should be tested first before they start to drive or given licences
9. Avoid doing things in your vehicle* (i.e. talking on the cell phone, searching for a CD, looking for a radio station, eating, drinking, reading, getting into a deep discussion with a passenger, etc.) that will distract you from the road.
10. Follow at a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you (which includes merging onto the freeway). A good distance is at least 3 seconds. An also, avoid traveling side-by-side with another vehicle. This will give you a chance to stop or avoid a potential accident.
11. Read your state's driving test manual available at your local DMV.
Road Safety tips for Parents, Teachers and Others....
• Video and Computer games that simulate racing should be discouraged by parents as it will develop irreparable racing habit in children.
• Don’t allow your children to watch Motor sports, especially racing.
• Cinema, Serials and Advertisements involving Racing, over speed / highly risky riding etc should be watched by children ONLY with Parental-guidance. Warn them about it’s dangers when they are small kids itself.Parents should take such scenes as an opportunity to guide them properly.
• Children below a certain age should not be permitted to do cycling in busy roads and in roads where heavy vehicles are plying.
• Parents of children residing near busy roads should keep the Gates closed always.
• Do not give cycles and two wheedlers to your children until they are mentally mature enough.
• Ensure that children use Helmet while using Two Wheeler's.
• Back seat riders also should use Helmet.
• If Helmet is not available do not accept the offer for a lift.
• Don’t forget to fix the Chinstrap of your Helmet. Otherwise it will not help during an accident.
• Ensure that your Helmet is of good quality meeting standard specifications.Otherwise replace it TODAY.
• Most important method to prevent road accidents is restriction of speed 90 % of accidents can be avoided by limiting speeds.
• Ask your children to avoid Mobile phone while walking, driving, riding on the road.
• Always maintain safe distance with the vehicle in front.
• Ask your children to avoid FM Radio, Media Players etc. while walking,driving, riding on the road.
• When your family is planning a new car, go for a yellow or other bright-colored one. Sometimes, it may help in averting an accident because of it’s high viability, Avoid the black and dark colors as far as possible.
• Buy ONLY yellow or bright colored cycle for your children.
• Let the preferred color for two-wheeler also be yellow.
• Never drink and drive. Somebody is waiting for you at home.
• Avoid long trips during night, as far as possible.
• Insist that your child uses bright colored dresses, if your child is going for a nearly morning walk or cycling or walking on a road during night or if the lighting is poor due to mist or some other reason.
• If you are driving at night, get refreshed at regular intervals by having a face wash or by having a cup of Coffee or Tea. Some of the co-passengers should ensure that you are awake.
• There is a practice of keeping the traffic signals in standby mode during nights and on holidays. It is highly risky, hence be extra cautious at junctions with signal system in standby mode.
• Advertisement boards and other items may obstruct visibility at junctions,curvatures and other parts of the roads. Hence be cautious about them.
• Old age drivers should checkup their eyes periodically.
• A small pool of water or a hanging branch of tree or rope or cable on roadside can cause accident, as such obstructions will make the pedestrian sand drivers to take sudden LATERAL movement. Drivers and Pedestrians should not make sudden lateral movement.
• Restrict speed at known accident prone areas.
• Check up your vehicle regularly and especially before long journey.
• Teach your children to look behind before making any lateral movement while walking on the road. Let them make it a habit so that they will do it automatically before making any lateral movement.
• Children playing ball games like Football, Cricket, Tennis etc. near Roads are likely to run across the road carelessly to pick the ball as the ball goes out of the field. Strict instructions should be given to children to be very careful while crossing the road to pick the ball.
• When you are walking with small children on road side, hold on their hand.It should not be the other way ie. Don't let the children to hold on your hand.
• While walking with children on road side, keep the children on the outer side of the road. You should be in the inner side.
• Let ‘Road Safety’ be a mandatory topic for School Projects for all classes,every year.
• Road Safety Day / Road Safety Week should be observed in all Schools, every year. Competitions on Road Safety Tips, Slogans, Essays, Paintings-etc should be conducted for students of various classes.
• Road Safety Clubs and Forums should be formed in all Schools.
• School Buses should be painted with Bright Yellow color.
• Significant portion of School Uniform should be of bright colors like yellow,red, green, orange etc. White is also OK. Idea is to increase visibility while crossing the road or walking on road side. The bright colors will ensure visibility even under low lighting conditions. If the current school uniform is of dark colors like gray, brown, dark blue etc., School authorities may change the uniform at the next opportunity.
• Avoid driving if you are experiencing excessive sneezing.
• Do not drive after taking sleep inducing tablets like anti-histamines, anti-allergic, anti-depressants etc.
• Buy only bright colored dresses for your children. Sometimes, this may help in averting an accident. Never select black or dark color dresses for your children.
• Better use a Yellow colored Helmet.
• Small children may sleep while traveling by two wheeler s. Hence ensure thatthey are awake while traveling by two wheeler s.
• There are certain types of two wheelers which do not require a valid licensefor use. This nonsense of the authorities should not be a valid reason to risk the safety of your children.
• Learn driving from the best reputed diving school in your neighborhood.
• Never bribe to acquire a driving license for you or your children. Do not use shortcut methods to get license.
• Appear for driving test after you are fully convinced and confident
• Do not park vehicles near curvature.
•Do not attempt to cross the road near curvature.
• All the roads should be maintained properly. Permanent contracts or arrangements should be in place for maintaining all roads in good condition24 hours a day, 365 days an year.If a gutter is repaired in time it can save a life !!!
• Health of vehicles should be strictly enforced.
• Eyes of old aged driving license holders should be checked at regular intervals.
• License of drunkard drivers and riders should be cancelled immediately.
• Judicial Commissions should be setup to monitor steps taken to control road accidents and to monitor the accident rates on a weekly basis.
• One way traffic should be implemented in all roads as far as possible.Roads should be widened wherever required. Curvatures should reminiscent. Medians should be constructed in roads with two way traffic.
• Footpaths and medians should be made mandatory for all important road sand for all new roads.
• Zebra crossings should be provided for pedestrians for safe road crossing sat appropriate places.
• Roads should be properly marked. Sign posts should be provided wherever required.
• Humps should be provided at all important places, accident prone areas.Humps should be made mandatory for all sub roads where it enters a ma inroad.
• Construction, size and shape of the Humps should be scientific. All the Contractors of the Public Works and other departments should be provided with the details of scientific Hump construction.
• Humps should be clearly marked, to avoid accidents. Methods of permanent nature should be followed in Hump marking. For example white marble pieces / white color / fluorescent pigment can be used.
• Provision of small pilot humps few meters before humps can also be considered to ensure that humps are not left unnoticed.
• Obstructions on road sides caused by unauthorized construction and roadside sales should be eliminated completely.
• Visibility should be increased near curvatures. Sometimes, even cutting of grass to increase visibility can help save many lives.
• School Buses should be painted with Bright Yellow color.
• A small pool of water or a hanging branch of tree on roadsides can cause accidents as such obstructions will make the pedestrians and drivers to take sudden LATERAL movement and result in accidents. Hence any obstruction on road sides which can cause a LATERAL movement should be rectified immediately.
• Automobile and cycle manufacturers should be asked to stop producing black and dark vehicles. Yellow or other bright colored vehicles should be produced instead.
• Front and Back of Lorries and Trucks should be painted with bright Yellow color to increase visibility. This will help to prevent collisions while Lorrie sand Trucks are parked on roadside without parking lights switched on.
• Reflectors should be fixed on Front and Back of Trucks and Lorries.
• Accident statistics should be periodically reviewed to understand the effect of actions taken. Corrective steps should be taken based on these reviews.
• Attention distracting Hoardings, banners, posters, advertisements etc should be banned near roads and highways.
• Default color of Helmets should be changed to Yellow to reduce accidentsby increased visibility. Black and dark colors should not be permitted.
• And last, but certainly not least... AVOID consuming ANYTHING that could impair your judgment and decrease your motor skills.