How to Block video and porn web site
1).Open internet explorer in the menu bar click tools>internetoption>content in the content advisor box click enable
2).click the approved sites tab.enter the address of the website
click never and then ok
3) click on the general tab and sure to select users can see websites that have no rating
4) Enter a password you can remembereasily with a hint
5) click ok
2).click the approved sites tab.enter the address of the website
click never and then ok
3) click on the general tab and sure to select users can see websites that have no rating
4) Enter a password you can remembereasily with a hint
5) click ok

That'll stop the videos loading, also using firewalls such as ZoneAlarm you can control if you want the site to be strict or whatever :)
I got follwing things that i can block from my wireless modem but i don't know what are they meaning
WWW HTTP, TCP Port 80, 3128, 8000, 8080, 8001
WWW with URL Blocking HTTP (Ref. URL Blocking Site Page)
E-mail Sending SMTP, TCP Port 25 How to block videos and other porn web site
News Forums NNTP, TCP Port 119
E-mail Receiving POP3, TCP Port 110
Secure HTTP HTTPS, TCP Port 443
File Transfer FTP, TCP Port 21
Telnet Service TCP Port 23
So on
WWW HTTP, TCP Port 80, 3128, 8000, 8080, 8001
WWW with URL Blocking HTTP (Ref. URL Blocking Site Page)
E-mail Sending SMTP, TCP Port 25 How to block videos and other porn web site
News Forums NNTP, TCP Port 119
E-mail Receiving POP3, TCP Port 110
Secure HTTP HTTPS, TCP Port 443
File Transfer FTP, TCP Port 21
Telnet Service TCP Port 23
So on