
Friday, June 22, 2012

Free Gprs Working Tricks,PC & Mobile

Free Gprs Working Tricks,Reliance On PC & Mobile 

"Free Gprs Tricks" is the most popular term searched but recently all Free Gprs Trick banned by most of the telecom operators but today we again leaked new free reliance gprs tricks,This is not a handler trick but this is working like paid gprs, Yes you heard it right this is working like paid gprs and its working on Reliance 3G as well as 2G
Just follow the below steps for Free Gprs In Reliance 3G or 2G :
Create new  Access point with the below gprs setting 
Access Point Name = rcommms
Proxy = and Port : 80
If the above proxy and port number  didn't work for you then use the below one's :  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
  • Connect with Internet by Access point  : rcomms
  • In Firefox > Tools > Options > Advance > Networks > Settings > Manual  Proxy
  • And then edit it with the any above proxy and port
  • Save it, and start to enjoy free gprs in PC

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Adobe Master Collection CS5 Serial Numbers

Adobe Master Collection CS5 Serial Numbers

I have created a full tutorial on how you can use these serials, as you need to mod your Hosts file to get them accepted. If you do not follow steps accordingly than you might not be able to get them into work so check out tutorial carefully.
1. First step is to install your product as a trial version, well you can install them individually or you can install Master Collection.

2. So after you have installed your product do not run it just close it and than go to Start and search for Notepad and run it as an administrator.

3. Now through your Notepad, navigate to Computer > Local Disk (C:) > Windows > System32 > Drivers > Etc. > Hosts and add text from this file @ the end of the HOSTS File like in the image below and than Save it.

4. So now you have completed the main step which will help you in getting your serial accepted, now last step is to Disconnect your Internet & fire up your software and than insert below serial’s according to your system like for Windows or Mac.
Serials for Windows Version :
Serials for Mac Version :

5. Now just use any serials above according to your OS and than your Serials will be accepted, so make sure your Hosts file part is completed successfully because if its not done correctly than your serials might not get accepted. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

On Smart Phones and Anti-Social Networking

On Smart Phones and Anti-Social Networking

The phone was invented as a way for geographically distanced people to communicate. Social networking exploded in its popularity over the last several years as a way to connect with people you knew, as well as many others you didn’t. What is happening now, however, is not so simple and straightforward.

‘Social’ Networks

Spend time on any general purpose social network today, and you’re bound to discover not a simple apathy, but a healthy disdain & contempt for other ‘social’ networks. There are communities & groups on each, who share & rejoice in the ridiculing of other networks. It would not be a problem if the ridicule & the disdain were targeted only at the individual companies behind these networks, the issue is that it is being targeted towards users.

People are now forming opinions about each other depending on whether they’re primarily using Facebook or Google Plus or Twitter for their social networking and whether they’re on a network or not. Are you checking-in on Foursquare? Are you sharing pictures of our meeting on Instagram? The scenario of a date or prospective couples meeting only to discover one of them isn’t on Twitter and hence having a negative influence isn’t an imaginary future, it’s a reality today.
Is this what it means to be social? When we judge people, and this is becoming more & more common & widespread, we are being the exact opposite.

‘Smart’ Phones

Instead of the phone simply being used to communicate, phone ecosystems have become organized religion. There are evangelists (fanatics) who not only vigorously defend their platform of choice, but wage war on those who choose another. When the vitriol reaches the level of death threats, one wonders who is being ‘smart’ in this whole affair. Using a smartphone doesn’t make one smart, it makes the company’s marketing smart.
Look at how stats are being published on whether iPhone or Android users are more likely to have sex on the first date. If you think these are just blogs eying page views, think again. There are companies behind these stats, out there because there exists a market for them. It is real.
When one meets a person in real life today, one of the Frequently Asked First Questions is about which smartphone you use. Several judgements & conclusions follow, though they may not be expressed explicitly. If you reside on different continents of the ecosystem, a real distance is created.
The continents of these different ecosystems belong to different companies and are drifting further and further apart. These tectonic shifts are getting worse. Remember what a phone was invented for? Now, these ‘smart’ phones are creating islands of communities hostile to each other. Instead of communicating, they’re distancing many people.


Facebook is a 800 million strong social network. Yet, as a public company, it has opted for the “controlled company exemption”‘, retaining 57% voting control to a single individual. Google has compromised on its flagship successful product, to promote its own rival social network. Twitter has decided to accede to governments, opting for a country-specific censorship policy, with Google following in its toes, with Blogger. The ‘Universal’ in URL is lost forever.
The question is, are you being really social? Are you really smart? If you were you would agree that both the Internet and humanism in general are suffering, thanks to a few companies.

How to Setup Google DFP on your Site

How to Setup Google DFP on your Site

Say you use an advertising network like Google AdSense for serving ads but also accept direct advertisers on your website? Or have you signed up with multiple ad-networks but, due to limited ad space on your site, you will only like to run ads from the network that pays you the most money (read maximum CPM)?
In either of these cases, Google DFP, or Double-click for Publishers, could be an ideal solution for you. It is a free ad server from Google, like OpenX, that lets you sell ad space on your website more effectively.
You may choose to run banner ads, text ads or even rich-media (like video and flash ads) through DFP. The tool, which was formerly known as Google Ad Manager, requires no downloads or installation and any website publisher can sign-up for the DFP program as long as they have an active Google AdSense account.

Sell Your Advertising Space with Google DFP

Say you have a news website (or a blog) where you cover topics such as technology, sports, entertainment and so on. An advertiser wants to serve banner ad campaigns on all your tech related pages. He will pay $20 CPM for all US based impressions (see-order) and you can fill your remnant inventory through Google AdSense ads.
Let’s see how we can easily setup such an ad campaign through Google DFP.
Step 1: Create Ad Units
We need to tell DFP about the advertising space on our web pages. For instance, in our above example, we’ll have to create three ad slots for the 300×250 rectangle, the 160×600 skyscraper and the 468×60 banner. These are standard IAB units though you are free to define custom ad sizes as well.
Go to DFP –> Inventory –> Ad Units –> New Ad Unit. Give your ad unit a descriptive name so that you can easily determine where exactly that ad unit will be displayed and it’s size. Also check the option “Maximize revenue of unsold and remnant inventory with AdSense.”
Step 2: Define Placements
You have multiple ad units on the same page and there’s a possibility that an advertiser may want to place ads on more than one unit. Therefore, we need to create a placement which is like a group of one or more ad units where an advertiser’s ad can be displayed.
Go to Inventory tab –> Placements –> New Placement and define the placement. To keep things simple, we will associate only one ad unit (the 300×250 one) with our ad placement. Check the option that says “Offer this placement to advertisers” through AdWords and DoubleClick Ad planner to attract more advertisers.

Step 3. Create an Order
Now that we have defined our ad inventory, it’s time to feed in the client’s order. The advertiser will specify where he wants to place the ad, what kind of demographics he wants to target, what’s the price he is willing to pay and how long will the campaign run on our site.
Go to DFP –> Orders –> New Order. Create a company for the advertiser and then fill in the order details under “new line item.” Set the Type to “Price Priority” if you want the highest paying ads to be served on your site. Set Value CPM equal to the price that the client will pay and then add the targeting criteria.
Step 4. Upload the Ad Creative
It’s time for your to upload the “actual ad” that will display on your web pages. You can either upload images, Flash videos or even snippets of HTML and JavaScript in case you’re going with text ads.
Go to DFP –> Line Items and select the “Line Item” that you’ve created in the previous step. Click Add Creatives –> New Creative and upload the image / SWF Flash file. You can even upload multiple creative ads per line item and they’ll display evenly across that site – this helps you determine an appropriate ad copy that performs best with your visitors.
Step 5. Get the Ad Tags for your Site
We are almost done. All we need to do is get the JavaScript code from Google Ad Manager DFP and copy-paste it into our blog’s template.
Click the Inventory tab in your DFP dashboard and choose “Generate Ad Tags” – select the appropriate ad unit (the one that we created in Step #1) and choose “Generate Tags.”  Add this code to your website and within 10-15 minutes, the DFP tool should start serving ads on your pages.

Access Facebook on any Mobile Without the Internet

Access Facebook on any Mobile Without the Internet

You can now use Facebook on any mobile phone without GPRS or the Internet. You can chat with Facebook friends, send messages, add friends and more.
Do you have an old mobile phone, like the Nokia C6-01, that has no browser and can do little more than make phone calls? Or are you stuck in some remote place where there’s no Internet or no other form of data (EGDE/GPRS/3G) connectivity is available?
Not a problem. You can still use your Facebook account in India by dialing *325# (or *fbk#) from your mobile phone – this service requires no data plan or Internet and it will even work on phones of the Stone Age. Here’s a quick tour:
You dial the *325# number, then enter your Facebook username and password and you are in. You can then send number based commands to access various features of Facebook, chat with friends who are online, add new people to your friends list, and more.
I played with the service for some time and it was a nice experience overall. If there were a Unix-like shell interface for Facebook, it would be much similar. Fonetwish says that this service is currently available for Airtel, Aircel, Idea and Tata Docomo users in India.
It may be too much work to read your Facebook news feed stories one by one but this is a good option to quickly update your Facebook status or for chatting with friends who are online. The price is reasonable too – you just have pay a subscription fee of 1.00 per day for unlimited usage.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Auction Sale (Sec 64 of the Sale of Goods Act 1930)

An auction sale is a public sale to any person bidding the highest price, upon terms and conditions previously announced. The sale described in the previous chapter was negotiated privately, a definite purchaser appearing with whom the seller dealt directly, knowing with whom he was doing business. An auction sale on the other hand is public and any person may become the purchaser. The owner does not even know, until the bidding takes place, what price he will receive1 for his property.
Usually the seller can realize more for his property at private sale. However he may be compelled to sell at auction, either because the law requires the sale of his property publicly, or because private purchasers do not appear or he thinks a public sale would bring a larger price. In the large cities there are customary auction rooms and licensed auctioneers whose time and energy is devoted to auction sales. In the country districts the sale is usually had at some gathering place, as the post office, railway station, town hall or on the property.

Under Sec64 of the Sale of Goods Act 1930,In the case of sale by auction-

(1) where goods are put up for sale in lots, each lot is prima facie deemed to be the subject of a separate contract of sale.
(2) the sale is complete when the auctioneer announces its completion by the fall of the hammer or in other customary manner, and, until such announcement is made, any bidder may retract his bid.
(3) a right to bid may be reserved expressly by or on behalf of the seller and, where such rights is expressly so reserved, but not otherwise, the seller or any one person on his behalf may, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, bid at the auction,
(4) where the sale is not notified to be subject to a right to bid on behalf of the seller, it shall not be lawful for the seller to bid himself or to employ any person to bid at such sale, or for the auctioneer knowingly to take any bid from the seller or any such person, and any such person, and any sale contravening this rule may be treated as fraudulent by the buyer.
(5) the sale may be notified to be subject to a reserved or upset price.
(6) if the seller makes use of pretended bidding to raise the price, the sale is voidable at the option of the buyer.
Sector 64A. In contracts of sale, amount of increased or deceased to tax to be added or deducted
(1) Unless a different intention appears from the terms of the contract, in the event of any tax of the nature described in sub-section (2) being imposed, increased, decreased or remitted in respect of any goods after the making of any contract for the sale or purchase of such goods without stipulations as to the payment of tax where tax was not chargeable at the time of the making of the contract, or for the sale or purchase of such good tax- paid where tax was chargeable at that time.-
(a) if such imposition or increase so takes effect that the tax or increased tax, as the case may be, or any part of such tax is paid or is payable, the seller may add so much to the contract price as will be equivalent to the amount paid or payable in respect of such tax or increase of tax, and he shall be entitled to be paid and to sue for and recover such addition, and
(b) if such decrease or remission so takes effect that the decreased tax only, or no tax, as the case may be, is paid or is payable, the buyer made deduct so much from the contract price as will be equivalent to the decrease of tax or remitted tax, and he shall not be liable to pay, or be sued for, or in respect of, such deduction.
(2) The provisions of sub-section (1) apply to the following taxes, namely:-
(a) any duty of customs or excise on goods.
(b) any tax on the sale or purchase of goods.