
Saturday, March 31, 2012

How To Delete a Blogger Blogspot Blog

                                     Old User Interface
Blogger delete blog old ui How to Delete A Blogger(blogspot) blog
Blogger delete blog old ui
To delete a blog is a more straight forward. First sign into   www.blogger.com  to access the Dashboard, Click on the SETTINGS tab and the default sub-tab will be BASIC. Click DELETEand it is done.

1. Login to Blogger if you are not already logged in

2. From the Dashboard select the blog you wish to delete. Make sure you are in the right place if you have more than one blog

3. Navigate to Settings > Basic

4. If you think you may want to come back to your blog at a later date you can use the export tool to export your blog before you delete it. To export your blog click on Export Blog in the Blog Tools menu. If you aren't interested in exporting a copy of your blog to your home computer skip this step

blogger Basic Settings Configuration - Eport Blog - Delete Blog
5. Under the first heading Blog Tools click on the Delete Blog link

6. You will be taken to the Delete Blog screen in Blogger. Check again you have the right blog displayed by checking the name which should appear just above the row of menu tabs. 

7. A warning message like the one pictured below will be displaying:

How to Delete a Blogger Blog

8. If you wish to proceed with the deletion then click on the Delete This Blog button

9. You will now be returned to the Dashboard. Notice that your blog is no longer displayed in the list of blogs. If you wish to view your deleted blog you can click on the Show All link at the bottom of theManage Blogs list in the Dashboard

10. You will now be able to see your deleted blog including details of its deletion date. Follow the link provided to undelete this blog. Blogger allows you 90 days grace.

In this tutorial we have covered some basic reasons why you might want to delete a blog and the steps involved in actually deleting a Blogger Blogspot blog.

Raise a Fit Kids

Raise a fit kids
Play has taken on a different grab with many children.  Activity is more with the hands and minds watching television, at the computer or even on the mobile for more than two to three hours a day on a average.  A sedentary lifestyle at a young age leads to an  inactive adult life with its attendant health problems.  Curb this and usher them on to a path of fitness.
Exercise should be as much as part of a child's daily routine as eating and sleeping.  Start young to stay young.  The benefits of exercise grow with the years.  Physical activity increases cardiovascular endurance, builds muscle strength, improves flexibility, coordination and balance.  This reduces chances of developing cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and other obesity and stress related problems.  Exercise also helps manage weight, improve alertness, builds team spirit and a sense of well being and enhances self-image.
Play in any form is exercise, be it running, chasing, catching, bouncing a ball or even turning somersaults.  Informal play can be moulded into regular exercise as the child grows.  While the school has physical training as part of its timetable, parents and the family too should encourage their children to be fit.  Proper diet and exercise nurture good health.  Exercise builds the three vital elements of fitness- endurance, strength and flexibility.
Fitness has to be fun.  Exercise need not be imposed and structured but can be made fun.  For toddlers it can be simple and enjoyable.  They can play at the park, jump, walk and run.
For pre-schoolers it can be more skilled like throwing a ball, hoping balancing, pedalling a tricycle etc., For school-age children it can be rules for games and sports.  Moderately intense activities can include swimming, bicycling, team sports and outdoor play.  They should start with non-competitive sports and opt for competitive sports.
Adolescents develop bodily changes and gain height and weight as they grow into young adults.  The choice and form of exercise is their own but it should be age appropriate.  Whether its jogging and running, competitive sports, fitness classes, gymnastics, bicycling or exercise videos it has to be vigorous and thrice a week.
Specific exercises that enhance muscular strength and bone health include skipping, climbing, jumping and gymnastics. aerobic activity develops endurance, strengthens the heart improves the body's ability to deliver oxygen to the cells.  Aerobic activities include basketball, bicycling, skating, tennis swimming, walking, jogging and running.
Flexibility exercises help improve suppleness, allowing the body bend and move easily through their full range of motion.  Flexibility exercises include simple stretches and yogaSana's.
Parents should allot time, be regular, set goals and review and reward the child.  As a parent you can encourage, inspire, guide, support and quip the child's activity. Help them by providing equipments, transportation and above all participate or even be a role model.